Saturday, August 20, 2016

I recently completed a rough draft a class essay. It was read in front of the class along with the mistakes I've made. I noticed alot of problems with my essay and problems that i could've easily made just like everyone else. One mistake i made was spelling, I need to remember to go back and check my spelling readers will read my paper and not understand it due to bad spelling. Another problem about my essay was that i didn't proofread my paper before I turn it in. Doing this, I can spot my mistakes. To be safe and to have a full edited paper, I'll let a friend proofread my paper.

1 comment:

  1. Doryan I also have problems when it comes to writing. Its good to see your mistakes and try to go the extra mile to correct them. When I was writing my post I didn't think about allowing some one else to proofread my paper, I think that is a great idea. From now on I will let someone else proofread my paper before turning it in.
