Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Emily Dickinson's Famous Quotes

1.) "Forever is composed of nows."
This quote refers to the concept of "forever". Forever itself has no beginning nor end; Thus the "nows" are merely the present. Someone may be inclined to make promises composed of lifetime commitments. The harsh reality is that nothing last forever. 

2.) "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet."
"It" is being vaguely expressed in this quote. It leaves the reader open to make personal connections with the thing that makes life so sweet to them. 

3.) "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain."
It is known that Emily did not write with the intentions of moving an audience. Her poems were more like diary entries. With this, one can speculate that Emily was not a completely asocial person as people thought she was. Perhaps she did deeds to others in hope to put a smile on someone's face or following the principles of paying it forward.
4.) "If I can read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry." 
Poetry is not written the same books are. Poetry takes on a life of its own, meaning that poetry is supposed to move the reader accordingly as they find their own interpretation of a poem. 

5.) "This is my letter to the world, That never wrote to me." 
Emily became reclusive as she got older. Perhaps, in her eyes, the world turns its back on Emily when in reality, Emily has turned her back on the world.

6.) "Saying nothing sometimes says the most."  
Body language speaks volumes about someone's personality. For example, If someone is angry and has a constant glare on their face, that is usually telling other that they are not approachable at the moment. Shane Koyczan quotes "Sometimes there no hint to tell you where it hurts, it just hurts." Often, people find it difficult to express anguish through words alone. Thus, the silence speaks louder than words. 

7.) "I dwell in possibility" 
Living in possibility simply means that one does not live in an existence that limits a person's creativity. A world with limitless creativity offers much more than its counterpart. 

8.) "Nature is a haunted house--but Art--is a house that tries to be haunted." 
The natural beauty of nature is not made by man. However, art is constructed through the vivid mind of man. This quote show contrast to nature and art. 

9.) "Parting is all we know of Heaven, and all we need of Hell."
Parting is often referred to as the death of someone. With this logic, one can say that death is merely a doorway to a peaceful, yet eternal slumber beyond the grave. Hell on earth is what the person is parting from. 

10.) "I've been bent and broken, but-I hope-into better shape."
The fragility of someone's psyche is what this quote can be referencing to. People are broken through experience but is often molded back into shape through overcoming their brokenness. 

11.) "in this short life
         that only last ah hour
         how much-how little-is
         within our power."
People have control over their own lives. This includes the barebone decision that people make on a daily basis. 

12.) "Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon." 
This is another example of Emily leaving the subject purposely vague. That "thing" could be good or bad. Regardless of what it is, the incentive or never-dying desire spawns like a demon and will never go away. 

13.) "To shut your eyes is to travel." 
This quote can be referencing dreams. As one fall deeper into sleep, imagination runs rampant and takes one on a vivid journey that is conjured up in the person's mind.   

14.) "open me carefully" 
This quote is powerful in the message it is trying to convey. People often fall into a pit of insecurity when bad experiences present themselves. Another quote by Shane Koyczan goes like this: "It reminds us who and where we are, it lives like a heart shape, like a jar that we hand to others and ask, “Can you open this for me?” We always get the same answer: “Not without breaking it.” This quote conveys the insecurity one will experience after going through a tragic event. Insecurities will often lead to a lack of trust from others who will potentially cause the same pain. 

15.) "Till I loved I never liked enough." 
There is a difference between loving and liking something. Loving something is much deeper than liking something, as it shows a deeper connection to that thing. 


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