Sunday, November 26, 2017

Previous Journal Entries

1.) King Lear
Today, We read Act 1 of King Lear. Although humorous, the first act successfully draws in the reader with its serious underlying messages about hatred, slyness, and mistreatment of family. We first learn that King Lear has 3 daughters; Their names are Cordelia, Goneril, and Regan. King Lear is seen as prideful, as he asks all of the daughters to profess their love for him and the one who is the most appealing would be granted a majority of the kingdom. This stirs conflict between the sisters as  Goneril and Regan appease their father's wishes. However, Cordelia is willing to show her love for her father through actions and not words alone. King Lear is upset about this and disowns Cordelia. Another important highlight of Act 1 is the relationship between Glocester and his son, Edmund. Edmund is referred to as "illegitimate" and "a bastard". Glocester worships his other son, Edgar. He claims that Edgar was intended and Edmund was not. Edmund wants his father to see his good qualities, so formulates a plan to essentially hoodwink his brother, which will lead his father to believe that Edgar is no better than Edmund.
2.) The Canterbury Tales, General Prologue
The Canterbury Tale, General Prologue introduced 26 characters; All of which, including the narrator, are on a pilgrimage to a cathedral in Canterbury. Each character must tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two tales on the way back. One tale that stood out amongst the other was told by a character known as the Wife of Bath. She tells a tale about a knight who is convicted of a crime he did commit. As punishment, he must find out what women desire most. He searches everywhere but does not find the answer in time. An old woman is eager to help the knight in exchange for a favor in the near future. She helps the knight and asks for his hand in marriage. They both get married and the knight regrets his decision to bargain with her. The moral lesson one can take from this tale is about beauty and how others may perceive inner beauty.
3.) The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock
The Long Song of J.Alfred Prufrock tells a story about a timid man who finds a woman that is very appealing to his eyes. However, the guy is too afraid to say anything to the woman. He has an internal conflict in regards to whether he should approach her or not. Evitably, his emotions get the best of him and does not speak to the woman. In this story, he mentions how his life would go on as time was limited to him. This story speaks explicitly on the insecurities of a man. The best critic of self is ourselves and this story conveys a side of a man that woman usually don't see. Women are seen as very judging towards their appearance. The same can be said about men.
4.) Psalms 23 
Psalms 23, along with the Bible itself, is the oldest piece of literature ever written. As a child, I read the Bible faithfully; This explains why I know more about the Bible than a typical atheist and most Christians, but I digress. Psalms 23 is a chapter in the Bible that is commonly recited at funerals. This chapter is a song giving praise to God. This is not a sad, melancholy song of praise. This song is giving thanks to God for being the guidance and a comforter in times of trouble.
5.) The Parable of the Prodigal Son
According to the Bible, Jesus usually taught the multitude with parables. One of which pertains to a prodigal son. The parable tells about a son who wants his inheritance. His father gives him his share and the son goes off to a faraway country. In this country, the son lives rambunctiously and waste the money that was given to him. A famine brews in the country and the son decides to find work. He is eventually hired as someone who tends to the pigs. The son finds himself eating the husk and slops that the pigs ate. He realizes that his father's servants are in better living conditions than he is, so he decides to return home and work as one of his father's servants. Upon arriving, his father greets him with open arms instead of shunning his son for his ravenous spending and wild lifestyle.
6.) Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow
"Infant Joy" and "Infant Sorrow" were both written by William Blake. Both poems talk about the birth of a child. "Infant Joy" is about an infant who is born with a name and only knows the joys of its new existence. The mother takes two days to come up with a name for the infant, but eventually, names it Joy due to its joyful demeanor. This poem reflects on birth as a joyous occasion, as it is told in the perspective of the mother and infant. "Infant Sorrow" conveys a completely different message from "Infant Joy". This poem implicitly states how sorrowful the baby feels once it is released from the comfort of its mother. The infant knows that it was brought into a world that is tainted by sins and dangers; Thus, makes the experience of childbirth extremely painful for the mother, infant, and father. In conclusion, both poems are mentioning the subject of childbirth; However, both depict a different experience as childbirth is both sorrowful and joyous

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