Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 10

Dear Adviser

            My name is Grant Wiggins, and I need help. First, I'll start by giving you a synopsis of the situation at hand. My aunt wants me to make her god-son, Jefferson, a "man" before he dies. He was on trial for a triple murder and theft; his appointed lawyer label him to be a hog in order to his intelligence and innocence. My aunt and I visited Jefferson 3 times, but reaped little to no progress of getting through to him. Today, my aunt was pretending to be sick, so I could visit Jefferson alone. I was humiliating for me at first, but gathered the will to go visit him. I just seen him, and achieve nothing. I know my aunt will be upset and heartbroken once she finds out what really happen during my visit. Should I lie about what happened or tell the truth? If not, what do you think I should do?

                                                                                                     Grant Wiggins


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Grant. I believe I have the answer to your question. You should tell Mrs.Emma what occurred, however, you should leave out a few details. For example, let her know that he decided to eat today. But do not mention the way he ate. Let her know that he did more talking this time, but don't mention exactly what he said. I understand that she is "sick". Do not break her heart and worry her even more by telling her the horrible things Jefferson said and did. Do you get the idea? I hope my advice is of some help. Please keep me informed with the results! Good luck?
