Sunday, August 27, 2017

Women's Role during the Medieval Period

According to history, women were treated as secondary citizens. They were not treated the same as men. During the Medieval period, most people lived in rural areas that reside in Europe. Often, women were tasked with mundane chores; This includes cleaning, taking care of children, cooking, and tending to livestock. Women that lived in the urban areas of Europe did things making clothes, producing metals, and running inns. Though women were often overshadowed by men, they were capable of exercising their power in higher levels of society. For example, women could hold a position called abbesses of covenants; This position was higher than monks. Lastly, women played a big role in a child's life. Women would have an abundance of children; However, most would not live to see adulthood due to the living conditions of that time. They would do this so their chances of having a child that would see adulthood would increase, so the cycle can start anew.                                                                                                                                                                  

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Introduction to Geoffrey Chaucer

After reading about the life of Geoffrey Chaucer, I learned that he was praised, yet criticized for his poetic talent during his time. Because of this, he was depicted as "the father of English literature; However, English literature has been around before  Chaucer, making this information false. Some of Chaucer's achievements consists of some of his works and declared to be "the first" in literature. An example of this is Troilus and Criseyde. It was credited by G.L. Kittredge as "the first novel, in a modern sense, that was ever written in the world. I also learned that Chaucer's work, The Canterbury Tales, is a comedy. This is not because the humorous aspects of the story, rather than its overall tragic tone. Furthermore, this work is a comedy because its divine perspective is achieved throughout the narration. This work could be considered tragicomedy because of the blend of drama, tragedy, and comedy.